Announcing ImageChest Photography Etsy Store

Given the positive reception to the ImageChest Greeting Card ranges from local outlets I have decided to offer greeting cards via an ImageChest Photography Etsy Store. Etsy allows people wanting to sell handcrafted and vintage items to open their on online “shop” without the expense and hassle of building your own customised website. It also enables potential shoppers with an interest in handmade and vintage products to search for the type of products they are interested in.

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The ImageChest store opened on 7 March 2013 with a limited range from the Paris Colour collection available to Australian buyers. I have also set up two bulk order options, a 6 pack and and 8 pack. I hope to be able to extend the range of images, the size of the bulk orders, and the international availability over time.


Its been an interesting exercise taking photographs of photographs for the store, and I will be looking for more ways to convey the tactile quality of the glossy cards in their cellophane wrappers, which is such a strong aspect of their appeal. Its an exciting development which I hope will introduce ImageChest cards to shoppers from far afield.

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